Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Sugaring by Reagan located?
We are located at 6857 West Main Street Suite 2, Kalamazoo, MI 49009 in the same strip mall as Sharon's Dance Studio, Almond Nails, & Young's Army Surplus. Some GPS instructions may direct you to 9th street but we are West Main facing!
Is there anything I should know before my appointment?
Yes! Please avoid tanning, exercising, or massage prior to your treatment as this can heat up the skin making the sugaring process more difficult. Particularly before having a treatment on your legs, it is important to exfoliate really well the day before treatment to allow hair to be removed as completely as possible.
How long does the hair need to be to be sugared?
Hair should be at least 1/8" for your first treatment. Typically, 10-14 days growth is sufficient.
Can I expect to be completely smooth?
In most cases, yes! However, sometimes the timing of our separate growth cycles can get in the way of being 100% smooth. Particularly on areas that see a lot of friction like the legs, it can be difficult to achieve a totally smooth result after the first treatment as hair easily get stuck under product and dead skin making it difficult or impossible to remove until the client gets into a consistent sugaring rhythm.
​Are intimate area sugaring services offered for male clients?
No. We do not offer anything for men below the waistline.
Can I book more than one service at one time?
Unfortunately, our scheduling system doesn't allow you to do that online. However, if you write a note for us in your appointment notes when you book online, we will contact you to let you know if it's possible to add on all the services you'd like or help you find a time when it is possible!
Can I receive intimate area sugaring services while menstruating?
Yes--we simply ask that you wear a tampon or menstrual cup for the duration of your service.